Saturday, November 12, 2011


So I've been thinking a lot about Nozick, government, and the different ways the we see entitlement to property, money, and other goods. The questions raised in class on Friday about the tie between morality and entitlement made me think about things that are currently happening in the world. Specifically, the situations with the Occupy movement, Greece, Italy, etc come to mine. This makes me a little nervous because I don't want to oversimplify any of these issues, and I'm definitely not an economics major. That being said, I want to look at these situations with Nozick's ideas about entitlement and see what y'all think about it all.

For fun, here are some links to relevant articles on Greece and Italy.,9171,2099201-1,00.html

Nozick's claim that big government is unjust because it violates the entitlement theory he provides is interesting given the current situations in many nations across the world. Austerity bills are being passed, though hotly contested, in several places in the EU. There have been riots over the potential removal of benefits. Beyond Greece and Italy, Londoners have been protesting hikes in university fees. These protests suggest that we feel that we deserve certain things regardless of our economic status. Along those lines, the UDHR tells us that we deserve certain things regardless of our economic status and that the state has a responsibility to provide those things.

Given these realities, along with Nozick's really convincing claim about entitlement, what are we supposed to do? Where do we draw the line with public services? How do we balance human rights issues with property and entitlement issues? What do y'all think?

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